"Inspired comedy"
We combine character, comedy and dance
to create an unforgettable theatrical experience...
We create and perform our shows in the style of Vaudeville, Clown & Burlesque. We tour internationally to Comedy Festivals, European Street Theater and Events.
Support us on Patreon
Vaudeville. Stand-up. Physical Theater. Clowning. Burlesque. It's difficult to label our shows as they are many things. They are at the very least, a must-see event.
- New Zealand Herald
We offer one of a kind intimate european style performance venues.
An atmospheric, top to bottom inside out experience, our venues have a time and space of their own.
- Amanda Palmer
indie musician
- New Zealand Press
Circus, Comedy, Variety or Burlesque; we can put a line up together for you or just be the comedic thread to your event. Previous hosting has been with Spiegelworld, Moisture Festival, World Buskers Festival, Buskers Burlesque and more.
- Sun Herald
- Vulture.com